Once the Structured Settlements are made available, the person concerned feels that he is vindicated and that he will continue to receive the payments as promised by the insurance or other financial firm. However, in many cases, the reverse is what happens after the first two or three installments have been paid. They begin defaulting on the payments. Here again, for the first one or two months, the person is totally unaware of the fact that the insurance company has done this with no intention whatsoever of being fair. On the other hand, the intention to defraud the client is now clearly visible.
What could further complicate the issue is that there could be other firms who come forward to sort out this Structured Settlements issue on your behalf. Little does a person realize that, here again there are birds of prey waiting to devour hapless creatures who are trying to clutch on to straws and get what is rightfully due to them. It is therefore a situation that requires a great deal of tact and street-smartness to be able to decipher the hidden agenda of these insurance companies. Failure to do so could result in a costly mistake that a person could not really recover from.
It would therefore be a good idea to study the Structured Settlements package before actually signing papers accepting the same. Once you have signed on the dotted line, it becomes quite difficult to actually negotiate with the firm, because, unwittingly you have signed for something without actually realizing that you have done so. It might sound and feel quite odd that you have fallen prey to these hawks; nevertheless, don’t lose heart, there’s always a way out of this
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